The empty flower pot
There was once an emperor who summoned all the young men of his kingdom because it was time to find a partner for his daughter.
There was once an emperor who summoned all the young men of his kingdom because it was time to find a partner for his daughter.
Once the abbot of a monastery had this dream: there were many monks in a monastery, each one doing his own task. All of them
Paul Claudel tells this story in his novel “The tidings brought to Mary”: Jacques Hury is working for his fiancée’s father Vercors when he sees
There is a parable in the Eastern tradition that speaks of a poet—poets in the oriental culture are considered moral leaders, those who guide the
Sophie, a cleaning woman, was Catholic. One of the gentlemen in the large building where she worked said to her, “Hey, Sophie, I understand that
The Karate Kid is an American martial arts drama film. Part two, that was released in June of 1986, starts right after Daniel LaRusso defeated
Once a priest was asking for help to open a house of mercy. He began asking people to support this work of mercy, and they
Once a boy, while visiting his grandfather who lived on a farm, asked him: “grandpa, I try to pray every day as you do, but
There is a famous conversation in one of the Friends episodes about “selfish or selfless good deeds.” Joey (Matt LeBlanc) says: “This telethon thing on
A young girl wanted to be a soccer player. She trained for this every day. One day she had an accident and injured her legs.