
Two paddles… two words

An old boatman painted the word “prayer” on one paddle of his boat and “work” on the other. He was asked the reason for this. To answer, he slipped the paddle with “prayer” into the water and rowed. The boat, of course, made a very tight circle. Returning to the dock, the boatman then said, […]

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Keep walking

It was Friday, June 13th 1930, when Henri Guillaumet, an experienced French airplane pilot, had to travel from Santiago de Chile to Mendoza. The weather forecast predicted a huge snowstorm for that day. However, he still decided to leave Chile and to cross Los Andes (The Andes). At one point the snowstorm became very strong

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The coins of our will

Once I read an interesting article that compared our will to the Mint; as the Mint makes coins, so our will makes coins. Our will makes the coins of good deeds, and we make those coins to buy heaven and achieve holiness. To buy heaven, our coins should be genuine and not counterfeit or fake.

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The painting of a rooster

A rich man gave an interesting commission to a painter. His painting was to depict only a rooster, but as faithfully as possible. After the commission, the man waited several years without hearing from the painter. Finally, he became so tired of waiting that he went to see what was happening with the painting. He

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